“Next generation satellite technology: opportunities for utility smart grids”
On 26 April 2023, EUTC hosted the first of a series of webinars it aims to deliver in 2023. “Next generation satellite technology: opportunities for utility smart grids” had 8 outstanding speakers from the sector and over 90 attendees.
Next generation satellite technology, especially LEO and MEO constellations, is going through a step change in capability and scale. With significant new players entering the sector and availability of rapid lower cost space launches now a reality, the evolution in satellite communications is gathering pace. This webinar will explore at high level the extent to which these new constellations and devices could be used by the utility sector as part of the ‘smart grid’ connectivity tool kit. The session seeks to give potential utility sector users of next generation satellite technology a better understanding of the pros, cons and as yet ‘unknowns’ about these solutions and their suitability for utility applications.
The event was moderated by Julian Stafford, EUTC Secretary General and was opened with a Keynote Speech by Dominic Hayes, Policy Officer Frequency Management and International Relations at DG DEFIS of the European Commisssion, focusing on a Pan-European Perspective for satellite technology.

After that, Gavin Cox (PhD), from EUTC member Global Skyware, took the floor and gave a presentation on satellite communications for smart grids.

Speakers Patrick van Niftrik (SES), Matteo Cappella (CSSMA), Telemaco Melia (EchoStar), Kotryna Nacienė (RRT), Thierry Berisot (Novamint) and Thomas Weber (BnetzA) also presented, touching upon the specific technical, business and regulatory aspects of their expertise.
Stay tuned for the next events! In the meantime, you can view the questions that were replied by speakers and access the recording below.
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