EUTC at Critical Communications World in Vienna, Austria

From 21 to 23 June 2022, Critical Communications World took place in Vienna, Austria. The event is organised by the Critical Communications Association (TCCA), and therefore gathers all types of stakeholders involved in standard mobile critical communications technologies and complementary applications. EUTC was present, speaking in conference sessions and hosting an in-person meeting of the 3GPP Working Group.

Critical Communications World 2022 took place in Vienna, Austria, at the beginning of the summer. As in-person events start taking place again around the world, EUTC is glad to get actively involved in them.

On 22 June, Julian Stafford, EUTC Secretary General participated in a panel discussion titled “Impact of decarbonisation on the mission critical communications needs of non-PPDR sectors”, touching upon how the power, oil and gas sector will need mission critical communications to foster their decarbonisation. On the same day, EUTC’s Spectrum Group Manager Adrian Grilli delivered a presentation on “The evolving needs of the utility sector”.

On Thursday 23 June, EUTC also facilitated the hosting of an informal 3GPP Task Force in-person meeting, the first since the group’s kick-off in March this year. The meeting was a success in terms of attendance, and led to interesting discussions led by Erik Guttmann, from Samsung.

Critical Communications World was an occasion for EUTC to mark its presence abroad and continue the ongoing work with all different stakeholders involved in utility telecommunications.

Check the recordings of some interesting sessions here:

KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Critical infrastructure cybersecurity: what to expect?

KEYNOTE ADDRESS: How to standardise 5G

Panel discussion on climate change

Saudi Arabia roadmap for specialised network radio licence in the 450 MHz band

Impact of decarbonisation on the mission critical communications needs of non-PPDR sectors

The evolving needs of the utility sector


Private LTE 450 MHz for Oil & Gas Remote Wells

GAGV Session: Critical Communications Updates from Around the World