Mobile World Congress 2025

The Critical Role of Private Networks in Mission-Critical Services

At MWC 2025, the premier global event for mobile technology and services, Ericsson hosted an exclusive session on the importance of Private Networks for mission-critical services. As part of the discussion, EUTC affiliate members, including Southern Linc and EDF, shared their insights on the unique role these networks play and how 3GPP standardization continues to shape their evolution.

Southern Linc, an early adopter of the 3GPP 4G ecosystem, highlighted its extensive experience in deploying mission-critical Private Networks. Their real-world track record demonstrated the unmatched resilience and reliability of purpose-built networks, engineered to withstand extreme external challenges, such as severe weather events. Beyond technology, the discussion underscored the importance of tailored operational capabilities, including tactical and mobile infrastructure that is strategically prepositioned to ensure uninterrupted service.

EDF shared its strong track record in research and innovation within the telecommunications domain, playing a key role in identifying the limitations of existing technology ecosystems when applied to utility use cases. By highlighting these gaps, EDF continues to drive both the vendor community and peer utilities toward developing future solutions that better align with the industry’s evolving needs.

Furthermore, EDF emphasized the necessity for utilities to actively participate in standardization efforts, ensuring that energy sector-specific requirements are well-represented in global telecom standards while fostering innovation and strengthening the resilience of mission-critical network

EUTC’s Call for a Coordinated Approach

EUTC continues to advocate for greater global collaboration among utilities, emphasizing the need for better coordination and harmonization of critical resources, particularly in spectrum access and technology standardization.

With the acceleration of the energy transition and the increasing electrification of the economy and society, grids are being reinforced to support higher-capacity energy flows both within and across countries. This shift makes energy resilience and security more critical than ever.

The value proposition of Private Networks is clear—not only in their rapid return on investment but also in their indispensable role in ensuring economic and societal stability. Ultimately, it is European economies and citizens who stand to benefit, with utilities serving as the key enablers of a more connected, reliable, and secure energy future.

EUTC will continue to advocate for policy frameworks that establish common criteria and objectives for “Digital Survivability” risk assessment, ensuring a consistent approach across countries and reinforcing business continuity for digital energy infrastructures. As the energy sector faces evolving challenges, Private Networks—purpose-built for resilience and security—will remain a cornerstone of energy availability and stability.

EUTC urges national governments to develop comprehensive business continuity strategies, recognizing the historic and ongoing contribution of private, dedicated networks in safeguarding mission-critical operations and securing the future of energy infrastructure.

“We extend our sincere congratulations to Ericsson for its pioneering initiatives and invaluable contributions to the open dialogue on enhancing and securing connected Smart Grids. Ericsson’s continuous technological advancements and unwavering commitment to standardization are key to developing the technical capabilities that support this vital transformation. We commend Ericsson for its leadership in driving progress and shaping the future of connected infrastructure.”